Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Need For A New American Poltical Party

This is the beginning of my personal blog. After reading the cover article In Time's Magazine Nov 1 issue “The hollowing out of America's Middle Class” I am beginning t seriously consider the need for a new party in America's political system.

I believe any America alive today can not imagine a United States of America without a strong middle class. The middle class is the basis of our wealth, political stability, sense of right and wrong, tolerance, individual freedoms, and economically justice.

I fear options facing most Americans in the future are: Take steps to build wealth or let oneself become poor.

The opportunity to become wealthy should always be open to every American and every citizen of a free society. But building individual wealth in any political or economic system will always requires personal sacrifice, such as time away from family, and personal economical burdens and risks. Building wealth should not become the only option for every citizen that deserves a relatively high standard of living for their family, a future for their children and finance security in their retirement.

Nor is excessively taxing the wealthy and upper class to support the working class and poor should be consider a viable option. Also our and future generations are obligated in managing earth's resource in an environmentally responsible fashion

I believe what is required is the creation and nurturing of new industries and frontiers that will create wealth for the nation so that all will benefit both financially and quality of life. There are two options the sea and space. The sea is more accessible and may require less technology to develop, but probably will result in huge environmental impacts.

Space or more precisely our solar system contain huge quantities of undiscovered resource and source of energy. For the United State to continue to be a world leader economically, politically and militarily then the country will need to direct all of it's resources to the exploration and commercial development of the solar system. Such an endeavor will create new opportunities, industries, technology, wealth, environmentally safe resources and energy for the US and the world.

Nether the Republicans, Democrats, Greens or any other political party has or will put development and exploration of space as the highest national priority. NASA is funded current at 19 Billion per year that is less than 0.5 percent of the nation budget. Even during the Apollo day when the budget may have been 1% of the Federal budget.

The history of Humankind teaches us that exploration and pushing out to new frontiers has usually benefit the society that initiates exploration and obtainment of new lands. Examples are:

The Roman Empire

The Silk Road,

Columbus Attempts to Find a Route to India

Lewis Clark Survey of the American West

The Purchase of Alaska

The one thing that we have learn at least I hope we have: We should not explore and exploit at another society's expense. Again the examples above are in most cases one society dominating an another society. This would not be the case for the exploration and development of the solar system

A reasonable person considering the issues facing the America people should conclude that a political party focus on the the exploration and development of the solar system for the general advancement of the United States requires a new political party or a complete realignment of an existing party

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